Friday, November 4, 2011

rough draft

     Imagine a life withisgusting sanitation that includes flimsy plastic bags filled with human waste called "flying toilets", and the contents of those bags get into your food. thats disgusting. in general slums are just crowded, rundown places that have people with poor economy living along with mud, flting toilets, and sewege all over the place. And for reasons such as those, slums negatively affect the human poplulation because they offer nasty sanitation, dirty consumer products, and poor housing. so to start, slums offer bad sanitation for its inhabitants.
      the bad sanitation in the slums is a factor in the slums that is killing off the population little by little. The sewage from the outside cities and from the slum itself runs freely through the slums.For example in source one it states," Like the vast majority of Kiberia residents, Musanga and her family have no toilet. they used to make doby sneaking into a nearby outhouse that belongs to someone else."( fink 1). The quote gives an example or the imagery of what people in the slums must do to go to the restroom. they really have no choice of where to go so the just " go" herever they can. this nasty sanitation leads to the next point of slums offering dirty consumer products.
      dirty consumer products in the slums is also another factor that negatively affects the population. As an example Fink states in soure 1," human waste leaches into the water people drink and contaminates the food they eat."Because of the bad sanitation, it contaminates the food and the water the residents iof the slums consume thus leading to typhoid fever and many other fatal diseases killing off the human population in the slums, showing that there is also a low standard of living there. the contaminated food and water is  not healthy for the victims/ citizens of the slums but the people there have no choice but to consume that. coming to the last point, poor housing is also another dangerous factor that kills off the population and is offered by the slums.
     poor housing doesnt give sufficient protection against natural disasters or from the sewage lurking around in the slums. in addition the smalll mud shacks used for shelter in the slums arent big enough for the amount of people living there, forcing them to be uncomfortable. When being interviewed in source 2, and asked about the housing in the slums, Onergera a former slum resident answered, " The houses are made of mud and theyre very crowded. And the slum is very dirty as you can see." the houses described in the source can come apart very easily when rain comes because theyre made of mud and cardboard. since the houses can come apart easily, they wont protect the people inside from natural disasters. Coming to an end, all the factors mentioned, in addition with many otgers, make slums death traps that are negative for the population and offer no escape for its inhabitants.
    In conclusion, the slums have a very negative affect of the population of the world. they offer horrible sanitation that leaves human urine and feeces throughout the slums and in thier homes, the sewage leaks into the consumer products and causes many fatal diseases and infections, and the poor housing doesnt give sufficient protection or space for the people living inside of it.All of these factors together make slums a horrible place to live in and are negative for the human population. now imagine all the poverty plagued people/ residents of the slums who ,must live in these conditions because they have no escape from it and have no other choice but to die off one by one because of the slums. what can you do to help?

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