Saturday, October 22, 2011

introduction paragraph

Imagine a life with disgusting sanitation that includes flimsy plastic bags with human waste called "flying toilets" and the contents of those bags get into your food. Thats disgusting. In general slums are just crowded, run down places that have people with poor economy living along with mud, flying toilets, and sewage all over the place.And for reasons such as those, slums negatively affect human population because they offer nasty sanitation, dirty consumeable products, and poor housing. so to prove that slums are death traps hurting the human population and there is no escape for the victims/citizens of the slums, we move on to the first point.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


      A.imagine a life with disgusting sanitation with "flying toilets" and waste all over the place that it even gets into your food.....
      B.slums are crowded, poor areas of life that lack resources,sanitation, and living space.
      C. slums negatively affect human populations because of bad sanitation, dirty consumeable products, and poor housing to describe how slums are practically death traps with no escaping,here is one of the reasons why...

2.Defendable point 1
     A. There is disgusting sanitation in slums that bring a tragic reality of victims/citizens of them
     B."basic the vast majority of kiberia residents, musanga and her family have no toilet. they used to make do by sneaking into a nearby outhousethat belongs to some one else.[...] flying toilets- flimsy bags filled with human waste'
    C. people living in the slums really have no place to go to the restroom so they just "go" where they can, and in addition the city sanitation runs freely through the slums.
    D.this nasty sanitation leads to the next point of dirty water also partially containing some of the human waste.

3. Defendable point 2
   A.dirty water in the slums is also a factor that makes slums death traps and negative for the human population
   B. " human waste leaches into the water people drink and conataminates the food they eat."
   C.because the bad sanitation it conatminates the food and water the people in the slums drink and can lead to typhoid fever and many other fatal diseases.
   D.poor housing is alsoe one of the dangerous factors of why slums are negative for the population

4. Defendable point 3
   A.poor housing doesnt give suffiecient space for the amount of people living there and lacks protection against natural disasters
   B."The houses are made of mud and they're very crowded. And the slum is very dirty you can see."
   C.houses made of mud can come apart when it rains and cannot protect against a raging storm coming agaisnt them. and they muds huts not really houses are too small for all the people that live there.
   D.coming to and end, slums are death traps that really have no escape for the residents of it.

5. Conclusion
   A. its not even imaginable or desireable to live in the nasty conditions that are practically death traps for human populations,called slums. in all slums offer horrible sanitation that leaves waste all over the living space, that bad sanitation leaks into whatever the slum resident decide to consume such as water, and the poor housing doesnt have sufficient protection or space to maintain a family.
   C.bad sanitation can lead to many diseases, dirty water bad for the slum residents health, and poor housing can kill bcause it doesnt protect the people inside and all these factors are negative for the population. in all, imagine these poor people in great amounts living in these conditions and have no escape and dying one by one every day


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thesis statement

Slums negatively affect human populations and the environment through poor sanitation, dirty consumeable products, and poor housing.